We tried to forget what he had seen and heard but not 5 minutes later I looked out of my room and saw that girl in the red dress looking at me and smiling.
约翰·莫特森的猫从空隙处慢慢走了过来。 它懒洋洋地跳到平台上,端然而坐,用前掌淡定地擦了擦它深红色的鼻口,然后高贵地从房间走开。
From the opening crawled John Mortonson's cat, which lazily leapt to the floor, sat up, tranquilly wiped its crimson muzzle with a forepaw, then walked with dignity from the room.
From this room, you can explore the nearby Chinese Loggia, or go upstairs to see the Italian art hung on the deep red walls of the Raphael room.