Picture the crowds waiting to ride a popular amusement park roller coaster.
在平壤的“凯旋青年游乐场(Kaeson Youth Funfair)”(拥有全球真正最令人心惊胆颤的过山车),射箭游戏所用的箭靶都是大鼻子美国兵和怒眉瞪眼的日本人画像。
At Pyongyang's "Kaeson Youth Funfair" -home of the world's most genuinely frightening rollercoaster-the crossbow stall's painted targets are of big-nosed American soldiers and glowering Japanese.
In 2003, an American amusement park operator was killed when his hair and arm got caught on a roller coaster car, pulling him up as high as 12 metres before he fell, back-first, onto a fence.