游学美国是美国语言教学片权威机构1998年设计制作的美式英语会话教学片。 共30课。其全部内容均为美国现代生活实用语言会话。对于初到美国的求学者、旅游者、探亲访友者、经商或学术交流者尤为实用。本片最大特点是真实性,课文都是现场实景摄录。课文中有许多美国最新英语词汇和流行说法,可供使用者迅速掌握。此外,教材编写不仅系统科学,而且每一课又自成体系,学习者可自选单课学习。根据在美华人对本教材使用的实际情况表明,只要反复操练,定能掌握现代美国英语会话。
Thus was born the idea of the Grand Tour, a practice which introduced Englishmen, Germans, Scandinavians, and also Americans to the art and culture of France and Italy for the next 300 years.
Recently with his parents for money, wanted to travel in the United States, a friend asked me to the Bugairang him to.