滴灌(drip irrigation)是利用塑料管道将水通过直径约10mm毛管上的孔口或滴头送到作物根部进行局部灌溉。 它是目前干旱缺水地区最有效的一种节水灌溉方式,水的利用率可达95%。滴灌较喷灌具有更高的节水增产效果,同时可以结合施肥,提高肥效一倍以上。可适用于果树、蔬菜、经济作物以及温室大棚灌溉,在干旱缺水的地方也可用于大田作物灌溉。其不足之处是滴头易结垢和堵塞,因此应对水源进行严格的过滤处理。
Microsoft Word - 20.doc 关键词: 迷宫式流道;滴灌;灌水器;临界雷诺数 [gap=8666]Key words: labyrinth path; emitter; trickle irrigation; critical number
关键词 : 自动化 ; 滴灌 ; 公路 ; 绿化 ; 养护 [gap=654]Key words : Automation ; Dripping irrigation ; Road ; Afforestation ; Curing
... to irrigate (using waterwheel) 浇; 浇 to irrigate by drip feed 滴灌 tower irrigation 塔灌 ...
膜下滴灌 Drip irrigation under plastic film ; Drip irrigation under mulch ; Drip irrigation
滴灌系统 drip irrigation system ; trickle irrigation ; drip system ; system of drip irrigation
点滴灌溉 drip watering
滴灌技术 ODF ; one drop filling
滴灌器 drip irrigation emitter
滴灌带 drip tape ; drip irrigation tape
滴灌技术及其配套设备 drip irrigation technique and equipment
滴灌带规格 specification of drip irrigation belt
Irrigation uniformity is used as weighing the quality of drip system.
参考来源 - 滴灌系统优化设计与灌水均匀度的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Drip, or "micro" irrigation, as the name suggests, is stingier with the water, delivering it to the roots of plants drop by drop.
Experts say drip irrigation is an innovation whose importance is growing, as climate change and rising population strain water supplies in many parts of the world.
Technology means a lot of things: drip irrigation, no-till farming, more efficient ways to use fertilisers and kill pests.