澳大利亚墨尔本大学 University of Melbourne ; Univ Melbourne Australia ; The University of MELBOURNE Australia ; University Australia Melbourne Melbourne
墨尔本大学澳大利亚 University of Melbourne
澳大利亚_墨尔本大学 unimelb.edu.au University of Melbourne
And a study by two researchers at the University of Melbourne, in Australia, confirms that men are, indeed, less sensitive to emotion than women, with one important and suggestive exception.
The study was performed by researchers at Australia's University of Melbourne and coined the phrase "workplace Internet leisure browsing," or WILB.
这项研究由菲利斯·杰克(Felice Jacka)博士,一位在澳大利亚墨尔本大学的研究员和她的同事牵头,研究的成果发表在3月的美国精神病学期刊(American Journal of Psychiatry)上。
The study was headed by Felice Jacka, Ph.D., a research fellow at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and her colleagues. The results were published in the March American Journal of Psychiatry.