... 绩优股 blue chip 激烈竞争 cut-throat competition 吉尼斯世界记录 Guinness ...
激烈的竞争 Rat race ; fierce competition ; intensified competition
面对激烈竞争 China Auphile
商业的激烈竞争 the jungle of business
激烈竞争的事业 competitive enterprise
面对着激烈竞争 Facing Fierce Competition ; Facing Intense Competition ; Facing Keen Competition
考大学的激烈竞争 severe competition for university places ; e.g. the severe competition for university
两派间的激烈竞争 tug of war
面对更加激烈竞争 Facing More Drastic Competitions
面对那样激烈竞争 Facing That Severe Competition
What if lower-tier colleges and universities were the ticket to escaping the rat race?
Owing to fierce competition among the airlines, travel expenses have been reduced considerably.
It's likely to increase, but there is more competition from India business India government has been a little more protective of India business They still have rules about which areas foreign investment can come in which areas they cannot come in.
But once the financial crisis hit, things changed a little bit, and so there is more competition.
Neiman Marcus is actually down the block, so there is a lot of competition between the stores.