fried crab meat 炒蟹粉; 炒蟹肉; 炒螃蟹; 姜丝肉蟹; 蟹粉烂糊 fried mushrooms with crab meat 香菇炒蟹肉
stir-fried crab meat 炒蟹肉 fried fresh crab with ginger sauce 姜汁大肉蟹; 酱汁大肉蟹 ..
... 烹调法团鱼clear-simmered soft shelled turtle 炒蟹肉sauteed carb meat 素沙拉vegetable salads ...
香菇炒蟹肉 fried mushrooms with crab meat
菜炒蟹肉 stewed crab meat with vegetable
炒海蟹肉 Fried sea crab meat ; stir-fried minced crab meat
豉椒炒肉蟹 Crab ; crab with fermented soya beans and chili
蟹肉炒饭 Fried rice with crab meat ; crab meat fried rice ; fried rice with
招牌羔蟹肉炒饭 Fried Rice with Crab Meat ; stir-fried rice with crab meat
咸蛋黄炒肉蟹 Sauted Hardshell Crab with Salted Egg Yolk ; fried hardshell with salted egg yolk ; sautéed hardshell crab with salted egg yolk
炒海蟹肉〔中菜名 fried sea crab meat
姜葱炒肉蟹 saute crab with ginger sauce
在Daddy Jack旗下的达拉斯"新英格兰龙虾和烩浓汤餐厅"里,主菜选择包括柠檬葱酱炒罗非鱼和由乐芝饼干及蟹肉做馅的罗非鱼全餐。
The entrées at Daddy Jack's New England Lobster &Chowder House in Dallas include sautéed tilapia with lemon scallion butter and stuffed tilapia with Ritz cracker crabmeat stuffing.
The restaurant created two cuisines for the Expo: Stir fried shrimp with fragrant vegetables and leeks; and sauted sea cucumber with fresh crabmeat.