second law of thermodynamics
热力学第二定律 (second law of thermodynamics):每次的能量转移或转换,都使宇宙之「熵增加。Every energy transfer or transformation increases the entropy of the unive...
The second law of thermodynamic
热力学第二定律(The second law of thermodynamic) 在第一节中,我们已讲过热力学第二定律能够解决反应发生的方向和进行的程度。
Zweiter Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik
... 缺席投票 Briefwahl 热力学第二定律 Zweiter Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik 热力学第二定律 Zweiter Hauptsatz der Thermodynamik ...
the second law of thermodynamics
the second law of thermodynamics
second law of thennodynamics
second law of thremodynamics
second law of thermodynamics
second law of thennodynamics
second law of thermodynamics
second law of thermodynamics
second law of thermodynamics
second law of thermodynamics
second law of thermodynamics