热容的标准定义是:“当一系统由于加给一微小的热量dQ而温度升高dT时,dQ/dT 这个量即是该系统的热容。”(GB3102.4-93),通常以符号C表示,单位J/K。 作为某种物质的物理性质之一,该物质的比热容是指当单位质量该物质吸收或放出热量引起温度升高或降低时,温度每升高1K所吸收的热量或每降低1K所放出的热量,通常以符号Cm表示,单位J/kg·K。
(三)液体重量燃烧速度与线速度关 热容(Heat Capacity) :在没有相变化和化学变化的条件下,一定量物质温度每升高一度所需要的热量。
...阻 热容 电热耦合 [gap=853]Keywords : forward bias safe operating area(FBSOA);thermal resistance;thermal capacitance;electrical-thermal coupling ...
... Caliper shear burst厚度剪切爆裂(纸卷缺陷) Calorific capacity热容 Calorific efficiency热效应 ...
容积热容 volumetric heat capacity
比热容量 specific heat capacity ; specific heat their capacity ; specific thermal capacity ; west bank specific heat capacity
低热容 LTM
电热容量 Barrel Heating Power ; Heating Power ; HEATER CAPACITY ; hot power in electricity
隔热容器 heating-insulated vessel ; Heat-insulated containers ; insulated container ; heating-insulated d vessel
相平衡热容 heat capacity in phase equilibrium
等压热容 [物化] heat capacity at constant pressure ; isobaric heat capacity ; heat capacity under constant pressure
热容比 [热] heat capacity ratio ; ratio of specific heat
克分子热容 molar heat capacity
It is appeared that when the applied pressure is increasing,the Debye temperature increases,while the heat capacity shows an opposite trend.
参考来源 - ZnSe的结构和热力学性质的研究A pulse calorimetry system was constructed for measuring the heat capacity of thin films, and it was composed of a vacuum chamber, an electrical pulse source, and signal acquirement parts.
参考来源 - 微量热计的研制及微纳米薄膜比热测试与分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The first is the heat capacity of the materials that constitute the city, which is typically dominated by concrete and asphalt.
We're not going to have the constant pressure heat capacity, but the constant volume heat capacity.
In the countryside materials have a significantly lower heat capacity because a vegetative blanket prevents heat from easily flowing into and out of the ground.
We're not going to have the constant pressure heat capacity, we're going to have the constant volume heat capacity, right.
So, we do an integral over a path, dT for the heat capacity along that path, dT.
It's related to the heat capacity, the constant volume of heat capacity and something you could measure.