煤炭干馏时生成的具有刺激性臭味的黑色或黑褐色粘稠状液体。简称焦油。煤焦油按干馏温度可分为低温煤焦油、中温煤焦油和高温煤焦油, 在焦炭生产中得到的煤焦油属于高温煤焦油。它是粗煤气冷却过程中冷凝、分离出来的焦炉煤气净化产品之一。 煤焦油一般作为加工精制的原料以制取各种化工产品,(见煤焦油加工)也可直接利用,如作为工业型煤、型焦和煤质活性炭用的粘结剂的配料组分,还可用作燃料油、高炉喷吹燃料以及木材防腐油和烧炭黑的原料。
具有防菌效率,可以管制油脂分泌作用及防止雀斑、黑斑的酿成 Coing Tar 煤焦油 常用来做为唇膏的染料 Cocin the middle ofopropyl Betaine 烷基醯胺类 界面活性剂,起泡剂,清洁用 ..
煤焦油沥青 coal tar pitch ; coal tar asphalt ; Asphalt ; Bitumen
煤焦油染料 [染料] coal tar dye ; coal tar dyestuff ; coal-tar dyes ; tar colours
环氧煤焦油 coal-tar epoxy ; tar epoxy ; epoxy coal tar
环氧煤焦油漆 coal tar epoxide paint ; epoxy-coal tar paint
煤焦油环氧树脂 coal tar epoxy resin
煤焦油颜料 coal tar colour
煤焦油加热炉 coal tar-heater ; heater
He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product.
Utilising the cheap and plentiful coal tar that was an almost unlimited byproduct of London's gas street lighting, the dye works began producing the world's first synthetically dyed material in 1857.