特种作战部队 special operations forces (SOF) ; SOF
美国特种作战司令部 USSOCOM ; SOCOM U.S. Special Operations Command
特种作战司令部 SOCOM
特种作战载具机械师 special warfare combatant crewman
特种作战团 SOG ; Studies and Observation Group
联合特种作战司令部 JSOC ; Joint Special Operations Command
常规性质的特种作战 Green Role
空军特种作战司令部 AFSOC ; Air Force Special Operations Command
美国特种作战指挥部 SOCOM
The HART system is being considered by United States Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force and special operations.
It also provides mission critical control systems, and associated tested and training technologies for maritime, joint, special warfare and information operation domains.
Team 6 is preparing to return to the United Statesfor debriefing and a – very quiet – celebration, Special Operations sourcestell PEOPLE.