而另一方面,人生最大的错误是不断担心会犯错她是德育特长生(Students in),一经的北京市青少年跨栏冠军,议定常年的运动(Sports)磨炼了美妙的身形和超强(Super)的意志力,低头走路的人只看到大地的厚重,...
对体育特长生在英语学习中存在的心理问题的几点思考--中国期刊网 关键词:特长生;英语学习;心理问题;思考 [gap=3423]Key words: sports specialty; English learning; psychological problems; reflection
体育特长生 A student with sports talent ; gymnastic special students ; Sports Students
恶性肿瘤特异生长因子 TSGF
特定生长率 SGR ; specific growth rate ; Special growth rate
肿瘤特异性生长因子 TSGF ; tumor specific growth factor ; Tumor supplied group of factors
生长特性 growth characteristics ; vegetative character
肿瘤特异生长因子 TGSF ; Tumor Specific Growth Factor
脂肪特定生长率 SGRL
瘤特异性生长因子 Tumor Specific Growth Factor
特殊生长率 Specific growth rate ; SGR
High school students language arts expertise has been a troubled high school to learn the important issue of language education.
If a student with art or music specialty failed in the specialty interview, he/she also has the opportunity to be recruited as a non-art student only if academic excellence.
He was as husky as a jock, and yet he spoke in a careful, soft, almost professorial tone.