...口和生产环氧乙烷(oxirane)化合物(CAS号78355-51-8),该决定遵循加拿大国家《环境保护法》(Environmental Protection Act)第64章中环氧乙烷化合物被定义为可能有毒的结论。
中华人民共和国环境保护法 Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Protection
中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法 Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Maritime Environment
加拿大环境保护法 Canadian Environmental Protection Act ; CEPA
自然环境保护法 natural environment conservation act
海洋环境保护法 marine environmental protection law
国家环境保护法 [法] national environment policy act
环境保护法和政策 LLM ; llm/diploma environmental law and policy
国内环境保护法 national environmental protective act
The environmental mark system and environmental protection law must be enacted and consummated in order to guarantee the implementation of the green marketing strategy.
News media shall carry out the publicity of environmental protection laws, regulations and knowledge, and facilitate the exercise of public supervision on environmental violation activities.
To China , "Environmental Protection Law" and the "Marine Environmental Protection Law" are a very principled, and they are not appropriate for implementation .