...构主要包括:机电工程署 (Electrical and Mechanical Services Department)、环境保护署 (Environmental Protection Department)、建筑署(Architectural Services Department)、房屋署(Housing Department)以及屋宇 署(Building Department)。
环境保护署(The Environmental Protection Agency)是一个监管者。货币监理署是一个溺爱者、护犊者及其所监督机构的服务者。
美国环境保护署 EPA ; Environmental Protection Agency ; USEPA ; EPAU.S. Environmental Protection Agency
环境保护署署长 Director of Environmental Protection
环境保护署助理署长 Assistant Director of Environmental Protection
环境保护署副署长 Deputy Director of Environmental Protection
但美国环境保护署 United States Environmental Protection Agency ; USEPA
苏格兰的环境保护署 Scottish Environment Protection Agency
苏格兰环境保护署 SEPA
台湾环境保护署 Environmental Protection
Economists sigh that she ordered the Environmental Protection Agency not to weigh costs against benefits in enforcing certain provisions of the Clean Water Act.
"We cannot fight biology with engineering alone," Cameron Davis, the Environmental Protection Agency's spokesman on the issue, told the congressional panel.
Warning that the powerful poisons can endanger dogs and cats, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will require new instructions and labeling for on-spot flea products.
It's so important for us at EPA to build and continue to build our recognition and our mission with the youth.
They're actually... Our Environmental Protection Agency which is under the executive branch
It's great because there's huge expectation that we are gonna bring this agency back, that we are gonna restore EPA with places, the protector of air, water and land.