... 学京剧会耽误学习时间 » Peking Opera will delay time 珍惜的 » cherish the 和使自己有用吗? » And make their useful? ...
最珍惜的人 Most cherished person ; The most treasured ; Most people who cherish
你所珍惜的回忆中 Your precious memory
珍惜的背包 My Treasure Knapsack ; Bag of Treasuring
珍惜的时光 Time To Spa ; Alle tijd
我珍惜的 I treasure ; I cherish
珍惜的宝贝 Cherished baby ; treasure
我一定会好好珍惜的 I will certainly cherish the ; I will cherish
珍惜该珍惜的 Cherish the treasure
珍惜的谐音 chrish
In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten the dust.
Remind yourself at the time of how it makes you feel and what about it you want to treasure.
she doesn't need their protection because God prizes chastity above all things and would gladly send a glistering guardian to keep her honor unassailed.
But it's good for me. It's... And it makes me appreciate coming home so much more, so it's good.
Jefferson:"Northerners are cool, sober, laborious, persevering, independent, jealous of their own liberties, chicaning, superstitious, and hypocritical in their religion."