n. life-style
misc. mode of life
生活方式(life-style; way of life; mode of living)
翻译概念的流变及其反思(1)-写作交流-翻译写作-VOE英语社区 关键词:翻译概念;流变;生活方式;意义 [gap=758]Key Words: concept of translation; evolvement; way of life; significance
心理信息生活方式( Life Style):生活方式主要用来反映客户的社会行为,主要包括客户的社会阶层、个性和社会风格等,这些信息往往需要进行相应的客户调查...
绿色生活方式 eco-friendly ways of life
资产阶级生活方式 bourgeois mode of life; the way of life of the bourgeoisie
富足的生活方式 Abundance Is a Life Style
我的生活方式 My Lifestyle ; Models of My Life ; My way of life ; My life
生活方式中心 Lifestyle center ; lifestyle shopping center ; International Lifestyle Center
价值与生活方式体系 VALS
提倡文明的生活方式 advocate civilized lifestyle
倡导新的生活方式 advocate the new lifestyle
With the development of technology, internet plays a more and more important role in people's daily life, also it gradually changes people's life style.
参考来源 - 我国Web2.0时代下的网络广告新形式探析 (研究生论文)The rules of competition, the mode of economic growth, and the lifestyle of the society have all changed profoundly.
市场竞争规则、经济增长模式以及社会生活方式都发生了深刻变化。 网络营销不等同于传统营销,它是伴随着网络虚拟市场而诞生的新营销理论,具有很强的实践性和创新性。
参考来源 - 电子商务环境下的企业网络营销系统研究 (研究生论文)On the one hand. the competitive and creative products depend on the advanced technology and administration, on the other hand. they depend on public life-style researched by designers.
有竞争力、有创造力的产品不仅依靠先进的技术和管理做基础.更加依赖设计人员对人们工作和生活方式的研究。 “设计”不但能使产品更符合人类生理和心理的需求,而且可更新人们的观念、改变人们的生活方式、引导市场走向。
参考来源 - 21世纪家具设计趋势Conclusion Lifestyle of Asian immigrants will change as they adapt to a Canadian life.
参考来源 - 加拿大亚洲移民生活方式及其影响因素的分析Osteoporosis is reIated to heredity. endocrine,nutrition. life-style etc al.
参考来源 - 中药骨康预防去势大鼠骨质疏松症的实验研究Music is a kind of living style of human beings’ spirits which possesses great social functions of instruction,cognition as well as aesthetic amusement.
音乐是人的一种精神生活方式。 它有教化、认识和审美娱乐的社会功能。
参考来源 - 音乐的社会功能与音乐教育的根本目的As the developing of the society, the living fashion of the human is developing too, especially the change of the countryside living fashion of China towards the modernization is very great .
参考来源 - 私营企业发展与村落生活方式变迁This Chapter not only discusses the essential idea of developing ecological businesses, but also stresses the significance of an ecological living pattern for the development of ecological business development and then forthat of ecocity.
参考来源 - 生态城市研究I believe that his escape from the society is not the positive living means but different from the ancient way to lead people from the reality.
参考来源 - 痛苦的抉择All the three of things, behavior in city, the structure of an urban society and the living style of a city, are tljree complicated systems.
参考来源 - 现代城市公共空间系统研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
And I hope those values will be ones that include trying to make your life into something that improves the world for others as well.
But I think it's just, it's kind of the lifestyle. It might be like a touristy thing as well,
How did that change happened, was that always there, were you always looking at how did this thought affect the way we actually live our lives?