基本上,所有Rational DOORS对象的用户自定义object和module属性,都会有一个宏引用。
Basically, there are macro references for all of the user-defined object and Module attributes of a Rational DOORS object.
这样可以让用户通过使用 Siebel 的对象模块,捕获和回放 GUI 层级的交互作用信息,从而校验 Siebel 自定义组件中的属性和数据点。
This enables users to capture and play back GUI-level interactions, using Siebel's object model, and to verify property and data points on Siebel custom components.
Rational Data Architect提供开发DB 2对象(比如存储过程和用户自定义函数)所需的IDE。
Rational Data Architect provides the ide required for DB2 object development such as stored procedures and user-defined functions.