... 集群管理角色(Cluster Administration Roles): 2,用户自定义的角色(User-Defined Roles) 2.1 角色作用的范围(Scope) ...
Originally, portal servers let you customize the content that the end user sees based on the user's role.
可以开发 Web 服务安全策略应用程序来让系统管理员为具有不同角色和职责的用户自定义设置。
You can develop a Web services security policies application to allow the system administrators custom the settings for users with different roles and responsibilities.
本文向您介绍了如何通过用户定义的模板、角色和权限、UI透视图和分类系统自定义WebSphere Service Registry and Repository。
This article showed you how to customize WebSphere Service Registry and Repository through user-defined templates, roles and permissions, UI perspectives, and classification systems.