电火花加工 (Electrical Discharge Machining)是利用浸在工作液中的两极间脉冲放电时产生的电蚀作用蚀除导电材料的特种加工方法,又称放电加工或电蚀加工,英文简称EDM。
...加工中心(CNC) Shift+F5 进入动画模拟 主要加工对象 加工中心(CNC) Shift+F5 进入动画模拟 电火花加工(Electric spark machining) 电火花加工是基于脉冲放电的蚀除原理(又称放电加工)。
... electroslagwelding电渣焊 electrosparkmachining电火花加工 electrostaticcleaning静电除尘 ...
电火花加工机床 [机] electric discharge machine ; electric spark machine tool ; electro-discharge machine tool ; electrosparking machine
电火花加工中心 edm center ; electro discharge machining center ; edmc
超声电火花加工 ultrasonic electro discharge machining ; ultrasonic edm ; uedm
数控电火花加工机床 CNC electrical discharge machine ; NC Diesinking Electric Discharge Machine
微细电火花加工 MEDM
电火花加工设备 spark erosion plant ; spark erosion equipment
电火花加工法 spark erosion machining
数控电火花加工 Numerical control electrical-discharge machining
电火花加工技术 electric discharging machining technique ; edm technology ; spark erosion technique ; electrical discharge machining
A new method of ultrasonic vibration electrical discharge machining in gas is proposed in this paper.
The expertise includes the intelligent selection and reasoning of technological parameter in EDM.
The metal particles removed from the die block are washed away with the dielectric fluid which is circulated.