...金门大桥,甚至令遍游天下的资深游客惊奇赞叹。它全长1.7英里,桥的东侧设有步行道,游客可徒步穿越,西侧则为自行车道。 电缆车(Cable Car) 旧金山市区的缆车(Cable Car)是游客一定要搭的交通工具。旧金山的缆车让乘客站在车窗的外边,边行走边兜风。
架空电缆车 telautomatics overhead transporter ; teleferic ; overhead transporter
索道电缆车 Schlossbergbahn
电缆车路线 cable car route
电缆车终站大楼 cable car terminal building
奥维架空电缆车 OWI Aerial Cable Car-Solar Powered
电缆检查车 cable-testing car ; testing car
电缆绞车 cable winch ; cable hoist ; reel truck
电缆敷设车 cable laying wagon ; cable laying truck ; Carriage for cabling
电缆放线车 [电] cable drum carriage ; wheel cable drum carriage
It was like a dream ended. Mrs. Sommers went to wait for the cable car.
For a lovely view of the city and coastline, take the cable car to the top of the hill which overlooks the main beach.