n. percentage ; percent
misc. per cent
... background-positionY版本:IE5.5+专有属性 继承性:无 length : 百分数 | 由浮点数字和单位标识符组成的长度值。请参阅 长度单位 top : 居顶 ...
... 地点状语从句(Adverbial Clause of Place) 百分数(Rercelitages) 原因状语从句(Advebial Clause of Case) ...
重量百分数 weight percent ; percent by weight
超量原子百分数 [生化] atom percent excess
湿度百分数 percentage of moisture ; moisture percentage ; fractional moisture content ; percentage humidity
脉动百分数 [电子] ripple percentage ; percentage ripple
出错百分数 percentage error
容积百分数 volume percent ; ICVF
摩尔百分数 mole percentage ; mole per cent
爆炸性百分数 percent explosiveness ; percent explosivity
The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.
When this happens, a percentage match is determined between the two stacks.
The cut-off percentages based on average call stack length are shown in the following table.
He said that the percent ionic character, and this is within a bond, not for a compound, for a covalent bond.
Not only did we figure out a way to describe how we quantify it, but we've also quantified how we tell the difference between covalent and ionic, and percent ionic character.
and I asked you to give yourself a percentage rating relative to the rest of the class, then if everybody was accurate, or at least not systematically biased, the number should add up to 50%.