—Tom Cargill,贝尔实验室的面向对象编程专家。
The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. — Tom Cargill, object-oriented programming expert at Bell LABS.
True object-oriented programming means that objects hide their internal state and implement their own behaviors for working with that state information.
Apache Click的简单性让我们能够使用自己的面向对象编程实践和模式。
The simplicity of Apache Click enables you to use your own object-oriented programming practices and patterns.
This combining of data and functions on that data is a very essence of object-oriented programming That's really what defines it.
Now these ideas of classes, object-oriented programming, data abstraction, are about 40 years old, they're not new ideas.
PROFESSOR: Last time, Professor Guttag introduced the idea of objects and classes and this wonderful phrase called object-oriented programming.