经直肠超声检查 TRUS ; transrectal ultrasonography ; transrectal ultrasound
经直肠腔内超声检查 transrectalUltrasonography ; TRUS
直肠腔内三维超声检查 Intrarectal 3-Dimensional ultrasonography ; IR3-DUS
血清ps A浓度受诸多因素影响,应用PS A定量分析进行诊断时应结合直肠指检和超声直肠检查。
Since the density of serum PSA is influenced by many factors, the diagnosis by PSA quantitative analysis should be combined with rectal touch and ultrasonic rectum examination.
Conclusions The diagnostic accuracy of magnification and ultrasound colonoscope for early colorectal carcinoma is high.
Conclusion the transrectal ultrasound guided automatic biopsy technique of the prostatic cancer is the method to diagnose PCA, it would be used widely in clinical practice.