adj. correlative ; associated ; relevant
互相关联的事物 correlate
相关的、相关联的 associated
相关联的数据透视表 associated PivotTable report
相关联的处理器 relational associative processor ; ra
互相关联的 inter-related
不相关联的 discrete ; independent
通知相关联的人员 Notify the person associated ; Notice associated personnel ; Notification of personnel associated
相关联的因素 correlate
相关联的区位剩余的 location surplus
Click on the yellow down arrow associated with the inline map.
For each state, there can be an action associated with state entry and exit.
A business glossary should contain not only the agreed-upon definition for a data element, but any variations or dependencies associated with that element.
The scripts are in the middle, the sprites are on the right hand side, so when I have the stage selected at the moment, I'm seeing the script that are associated with sort of the whole program itself, the so called stage.
So for example, I can say, what are all the methods associated with the number,or the integer 1?
And I want to suggest to you that part of the misogyny of the novel part of that misogyny is connected to this consumptive ethos.