Run A Program As Another User 以其他用户的身份运行程序 Same Program Windows Switching 相同程序切换 Maximize Or Restore The Foreground Window 最大化或者恢复前台窗口 ..
Multi-threaded File Copy 多线程文件复制 Same Program Windows Switchellong 相同程序切换 Create A Screen Lock Shortcut 始于一个新的锁定屏幕快捷体式格局 ..
Si'me Progri'm Windows Switching 相同程序切换 Auto Arrange Desktop Icons 主动排列桌面图标 Encrypt Removserveuficthe entirey tummyle to USB Drives 加密搬动USB建设 ..
我发现一个神奇之处就是,你可以在两个架构模型(REST vs . SOAP)之间切换,而应用程序中90%的代码都是完全相同的。
I find this pretty amazing, that you can switch between two architecture models (REST vs. SOAP) yet still code the same way for the other 90% of an application.
The threads and forks module provide the same interface. You can switch between worker threads and worker processes by changing a single word in your program. Test it yourself.