知名人物的轶事的英文 ... 社会知名人士 a public character 知名人士会议 meeting of eminent persons: international fund-raising strategies for ageing 知名人士小组 eminent persons group ...
Each year, it takes place in a grand Capitol Hill auditorium full of members of Congress and a hundred or so Washington notables.
10月15日, 粮农组织大使 计划的知名人士一起参加了圆桌会议讨论,突出他/她们在帮助粮农组织战胜世界饥饿方面的作用。
On 15 October, renowned celebrities from the FAO Ambassadors Programme came together in a Round Table discussion to sharpen their role in helping FAO combat world hunger.
It has ever been chose as the remembrancer of import international conference and was collected by the famous person both nationally and internationally.