...09年 加入收藏 获取最新 磁共振部分K空间成像方法研究 彭懿君 【摘要】: 核磁共振成像技术(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)是一种无创伤和多参数的检测手段,被广泛应用于医学检验、科研和生产等许多领域。
磁共振成像技术(magneticresonanceimaging,MRI)是一种有效的研究人脑的非侵害性途径,它 的原理是先利用射频脉冲激发处于提出磁场中的原子核,再利用原子...
脑功能成像技术是研究清醒人脑的一类无损伤和动态的探测技术,功能核磁共振成像技术(functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)和正电子发射断层扫描技术(positron emission tomography,PET)是目前最...
...能, 它们为直接观察脑在处 理复杂信息时的活动状况提供了强有力的研究手段, 如事件相关功能性磁共振成像技术(event-related fMRI)使得我们能够以毫米水平的精确程度记录大脑 在某个瞬间的活动状况.
功能磁共振成像技术 FMRI ; functional magnetic resonance imaging ; BOLD-FMRI
核磁共振成像技术 magnetic resonance measurement ; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging ; functional magnetic resonance imaging ; magnetic resonance imaging
功能性磁共振成像技术 functional magnetic resonance imaging
平依赖磁共振成像技术 blood oxygenation level dependent ; BOLD
采用核磁共振成像技术 MRI ; magnetic resonance imaging
以磁共振成像技术 magnetic resonance imaging
的磁共振成像技术 magnetic resonance imaging
用功能磁共振成像技术 functional magnetic resonance imaging
功能核磁共振成像技术 functional magnetic resonance imaging
利用 3D 磁共振成像技术对脑结构进行了研究。
Brain structure was studied using 3D magnetic resonance imaging.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) backed that up.
A recent study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to see how love affects the brain.
Studies using imaging techniques like CAT scans, PET, and fMRI, illustrate that different parts of the brain are active during different parts of mental life.
Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work.
We talked about modern imaging methods and this is an example of an fMRI, a functional MRI; a map of the brain that not only shows you the anatomy of the brain but shows you something about the chemistry of what's going on inside.