社会改良还是社会革命? Reform or Revolution?; Social Reform or Revolution?; Sozialreform oder Revolution?; Mit einem Anhang: Miliz und Militarismus ; Reform or Revolution?; Social Reform or Revolution?
社会改良主义 social reformism
空想的社会改良计划 utopia
不实际的社会改良家 do-gooder
空想的社会改良 utopia
To remove the obstacles, the Catholic and Christian missionaries established a large number of social services which included health, education, social reformation, philanthropy, etc.
参考来源 - 清末洋教传入对东北社会的影响To remove the obstacles, the Catholic and Christian missionaries established a large number of social services which included health, education, social reformation, philanthropy, etc.
参考来源 - 清末洋教传入对东北社会的影响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress