...包括语言、文学、古语学、哲学、宗教学、历史学(人文科学领域)、音乐、美术等的学术性的学习。2、社会科学(Social sciences):历史上也被称作“行动科学”。
哲学社会科学 Philosophy and social sciences ; philosophy and the social sciences ; Philosophy of the Social Sciences
社会科学硕士 Master of Social Science ; MPhil in Social Sciences ; MSOCSC Applied Sociology ; MSOCSC Social Work
中国社会科学院 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ; CASS ; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences chinese academy of social sciences
中文社会科学引文索引 CSSCI ; Chinese Social Science Citation Information ; Chinese Social Science Citation Index-CSSCI
上海社会科学院 Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences ; SASS
社会科学技术化 the scientificalization and technicalization of society
社会科学引文索引 Social Sciences Citation Index ; ssci ; SocIal ScIence CItatIon Index-SSCI
中国社会科学家联盟 Federation of Chinese Social Scientists
哲学社会科学创新工程 initiative to promote innovation in philosophy and the social sciences
It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences.
The research methods of social science generate two kinds of data.
The term 'Arts' usually refers to humanities and social sciences.
This not only includes political science but economics sociology anthropology psychology among others.
This is why Aristotle does not regard the study of politics as one social science among others.
I thought you wrote excellently, too In political science, you've had some literary criticism and some sociology.