刊 名: 祝您健康 主 办: 江苏科学技术出版社 主 管: 凤凰出版传媒集团 编辑出版:《祝您健康》杂志社 ISSN: 1003-4242 CN: 32—1051/R 邮 发 代 号: 28—33 国外发行代号: M712
int. skoal
misc. here's to your health
... To cool you in some leafy glade有的给你酷叶沼泽 I wish you health祝您健康 But more than wealth但比财富 ...
... I wish you good night 祝你晚安 I wish you good luck 祝你好运气 I wish you good healthc 祝您健康 ...
祝您健康安全 Wish you a safe health
祝您健康幸福 Wish you health and happiness
祝您健康和幸福 Wish you health and happiness
祝您健康长寿 i wish you good health and a long life
祝您身体健康 I wish you good health
祝愿您身体健康 Wish you good health
祝您们身体健康 Wish you good health
我祝愿您身体健康 I wish you good health
祝您永远健康快乐 May y joy and health be with you always ; May joy and health be with you always