神舟六号载人飞船,是中国神舟号飞船系列之一。“神舟六号”与“神舟五号”在外形上没有太大的差别,仍为推进舱、返回舱、轨道舱的三舱结构,重量基本保持在8吨左右,用长征二号F型运载火箭进行发射。 神舟六号飞船是中国第二艘搭载航天员的飞船,也是中国第一艘执行“多人飞天”任务的载人飞船。这也是世界上人类的第243次太空飞行。
Shu embroidery featuring the pattern of the sun bird object in particular, traveled to space with the "Shenzhou VI" spacecraft in the same year.
At 9:00 this morning, Beijing time, China successfully launched a manned spacecraft, SHENZHOU VI.
The titanium alloy fastener used in Chinese manned spacecrafts Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI are all researched and produced by our company.