空间分辨率,是指遥感图像上能够详细区分的最小单元的尺寸或大小,是用来表征影像分辨地面目标细节的指标。通常用像元大小、像解率或视场角来表示。 空间分辨率是评价传感器性能和遥感信息的重要指标之一,也是识别地物形状大小的重要依据。
...对拉曼散射光的光谱进行了观测,但如果开发出像光纤内视镜那样的装置的话,就能够以数百nm的 空间解析度 ( Spatial Resolution )即时地观测癌细胞,有望用于对癌症的早期发现和治疗等。
...间解析度 (IFOV): 0.84 mRad 最短焦距: 45 公分 (约 18 英吋) 可选购的广角红外线镜头类型 视野: 46 ° x 34 ° 空间解析度 (IFOV): 3.34 mRad 最短..
Spatial resolution of brain scanning is doubling every year.
With the model and the gis technology, the high - resolution dimensional grid - layer chart of monthly temperature and precipitation in vietnam is built. 3
and most importantly, deep resolution, so we can go below the cortex, where other methods like PET that have better spatial temporal resolutions can't and see what's going on in these deep circles of the brain and this is very exciting,for many people, many of the advances have occurred of the last 10 years, I'm just gonna talk about a few of them today.