So here's a very simple version of a spec for the script this application will talk with.
第1部分对整个系列进行了简要的介绍,总结了最终结果所有的部分,以及每一部分涵盖了X forms规范的哪个方面。
Part 1 is an introduction to the entire series summarizing all the portions of the end result and what facets of the XForms specification each part covers.
AMQP规范的贡献者之一 IONA科技公司发表了一份 简要说明,说明AMQP是什么,以及为什么要进行。
IONA Technologies, a contributer to the AMQP specification, published a short description of what AMQP is and why to pursue it. AMQP is