米糠蜡(rice bran wax)为淡黄色块状物。略有米糠气味。熔点60~85℃。可与各种天然蜡任意互溶。不溶于水,难溶于乙醇,热溶于二甲苯和三氯乙烯、苯等有机溶剂。主成分是二十四烷酸蜂花酯。可直接添加于食品中,用于发泡、防湿、抛光。在食品加工中也可用作剥离剂、被膜剂等。由米糠油脂分离、精制而得。
技术文摘 关键词:米糠蜡,三元共沸物,提取率,丙酮不溶物 [gap=1117]Key words:rice bran wax;ternary azeotrope;extraction yield;acetone insoluble
米糠萃取 Rice Bran Extract ; oryza sativa bran extract 米糠蜡 rice bran wax ; Rice Wax ; Oryza Sativa Bran Wax 米糠酵素 rice bran ferment ..
米糠蜡〔明嚼胶料基质 rice bran wax
As a recently developed saponification technology of bran-wax, there are so abundant bran-wax sources in our country that bran-wax could be utilized more adequately than before.
参考来源 - 从米糠蜡提取分离高级脂肪醇的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The hydrolysis of rice bran wax is the obstacle in rice bran wax utilization.
The technology of rice bran oil refining and the preparation of bran wax were described, which would provide some reference for the utilization of rice bran oil and bran wax.
米糠脱蜡副产物制备糠蜡和三十烷醇的利用及米糠饼(粕)提取植酸钙、 植酸和肌醇的利用途径。
Meanwhile, rice bran oil refining byproducts can be used for the production of free fatty acids and their derivatives.