} 1.4 类和接口的声明(Class and Interface Declarations) 当编写类和接口时,应该遵守以下格式规则: 在方法名与其参数列表之前的左括号“(”间不要有空格。
Create the full-size application's organizational package, interface, and class structure, even if the files do nothing more than declare the class name and the interface it implements initially.
使用引入(Introduction),Aspect可以向类中添加新的方法和变量、声明一个类实现一个接口或将检查异常转换为未检查异常(unchecked exception)。
Using introduction, aspects can add new methods and variables to a class, declare that a class implements an interface, or convert checked to unchecked exceptions.
If the class that implements the CustomService interface also claims to implement the JMXManageable interface, then much of the loading and activating of your MBean will be automatic.