同时也是爱情体系公司出品的 《内在游戏》(Inner Game Seminar), 《精通社交圈》(Social Circle Mastery), 《短信和电话游戏终极指南》(The Ultimate Guide to Phone andText Game), 《肢体语言》(Beyond Words) 等产品的共同作 ..
Before getting into Social Circle mastery, it is crucial that you have a very strong abundance mentality.
M 是爱情体系伦敦站的首席导师,和Braddock一起,作为爱情体系精通社交圈游戏计划的创立者,该计划在全世界大受好评。
Mr. M is a lead instructor with Love Systems based in London. With Braddock, he is the creator of the Love Systems Social Circle Mastery program, receiving rave reviews around the world.
In fact, a variation of this, which is explored more thoroughly in the Social Circle Mastery seminar, is not to escalate until you both get to the seduction location.