...易西铎关口,另一名墨西哥孕妇徒步入境,还在排队等候通关时,忽然开始阵痛,CBP紧急医疗技术员(Emergency Medical Technician)把这名孕妇抬到CBP办公室,指导她进行拉梅兹唿吸法待产,同时打电话叫救护车,医疗技术员一直陪着这名孕妇,直到救护车来到,医疗...
紧急医疗科技/技术员 Emergency Medical Technology / Technician
紧急医疗技术人员 Emergency Medical Technician ; EMT
紧急医疗技术/技术员 Emergency Medical Technology / Technician
As it turned out, Mr. Musarella, a retired police officer, was one of the emergency medical technicians who responded to the apartment when Ms. Wimmer's parents discovered her body and dialed 911.
An English speaking emergency doctor or medical technician with proper equipment must be available at take off and at a strategic location during the task.
An emergency doctor or medical technician with proper equipment must be available at take off and the target during the competition.