n. infusorian ; ciliates
misc. infusorium
纤毛虫纲 Ciliata ; [无脊椎] Ciliatea ; Class Ciliophora
小袋纤毛虫病 balantidiasis
纤毛虫类 ciliates ; Infusoria ; Ciliophora
纤毛虫门 Ciliophora ; IV ; Ciliate
纤毛虫大核 Ciliate Macronuclear
旋口纤毛虫 spirostomid
大肠纤毛虫 Balantidium coli
纤毛虫病 balantidiasis ; Ciliophora disease
固着类纤毛虫病 Sessilinasis Of rainbow trout ; sessilinasis
In the test 10 control enclosures,the highest density of planktonic ciliate was averagely 112.30 cells·ml-1,and the lowest one was averagely 19.50 cells·ml-1. The average species number and density of planktonic ciliate were 6-7 and 52.56 cells·ml-1,respectively.
参考来源 - 低盐度围隔调控环境浮游纤毛虫群落结构与动态3. There are complex communities at the rumen ciliate of buffalos, but not observable distinctness at different hosts.
参考来源 - 水牛瘤胃纤毛虫分子生态研究初探Flagellatewasabout5.44 millions/g . soil (36.00% of total abundance); Amoeba was about 7.49 millions/g. soil (49.57% of total abundance); Infusorian was about 2.09 millions/g . soil (14.43% of total abundance ).
参考来源 - 甲基溴土壤消毒替代技术对温室土壤原生动物群落的影响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Balantinium coli is a giant ciliate that causes diarrhea in humans.
The team found communities of amoebae, ciliates, and flagellates to be present in all the plants.
The community structure of ciliates in the cage fish culture farm of Liujiaxia reservoir in spring is studied.