... preliminary evaluation,初步评估 pure interest,纯利 reasonable price,公平价格 ...
... NP net proceeds 纯收入 NET P NET PROCEEDS 纯利 net di osal proceeds 净处分价款 ...
纯利润 Net Profit ; [会计] pure profit ; net earnings ; net income
销货纯利 [会计] net profit on sales
预期纯利 anticipated net profit
纯利率 net profit ratio ; pure rate ; pure rate of interest ; net margin
估计纯利 estimated net profit
税后纯利 [税收] net profit after taxation ; NPAT
纯利息 pure interest ; Nettoverzinsung ; Nettozinsatz
营业纯利 net operating profit ; net operating profit 
通常纯利润率 usual rate of net profit