1、经济学人是指从事经济学研究与工作的人,包括经济学家、经济学者、经济学研究者、经济学工作者。 2、杂志名称。
...网 关键词:中国时政词语;经济学人;语言特点;数据统计 关键词: [gap=1868]Keywords: words of Chinese politics; Economists; linguistic characteristics; data statistics ...
经济学人智库 Economist Intelligence Unit ; EIU
经济学人信息部 Economist Intelligence Unit ; EIU
经济学人集团 Economist Group
经济学人信息社 Economist Intelligence Unit
经济学人杂志 The Economist ; Economist magazine ; the economist magazine
英国经济学人智库 EIU ; Economist Intelligence Unit
经济学人资讯社 Economist Intelligence Unit ; EIU
中国经济学人 China Economist
经济学人音频版 The Economist Audio Edition
A former Economist colleague, for example, reported being ruder in Hebrew than in English.
Here is a picture of a cover from the journal--the magazine The Economist who were writing about food and nutrition in modern times and they created this graphic for the website to show the evolution of humans.
The second question was about China and there was a special report in the recent Economist talking about the ravenous appetite that China has for natural resources right now. I was curious what you ? thought the effect that would have on global financial ? markets and your investing strategy?