经济建设(economic development; economic construction)
英汉常用生物学词汇(十四) ... Bowman's gland 鲍曼氏腺,嗅腺 Bowman's membrane 鲍曼氏膜,前弹性层 braccate 羽脚 ...
以经济建设为中心 to take economic development as the central task; to focus on economic development ; to take economic development as the central task ; focus on economic development ; accelerating the economy
会主义经济建设 socialist economic development
经济建设为中心 a focus on economic development
扭住经济建设这个中心 to keep economic development as the central task
服务国内稳定和经济建设 contribute to stability and economic growth at home
关于新中国的经济建设方针 Guiding Principles for New China’s Economic Development
经济建设的几个方针性问题 Problems of Policy for Economic Development
经济建设和国防建设融合发展 integrated development of the economy and national defense
坚持以经济建设为中心不动摇 has to keep economic development as its central task
Private-Owned Corporates are very important force in our country’s economic construction.
参考来源 - 温州民营企业文化研究 (研究生论文)During the 20 years since the Reform and Opening, China has made world famous achievement in economic development.
参考来源 - 企业信誉研究The higher vocational education is closely connected to the regional economy construction.
参考来源 - 区域经济建设与高等职业教育发展关系的理性解读—《改革与战略》—2008年第4期—龙源期刊网China's system of collective land made great contributions for the China's economic construction in a certain historic period.
参考来源 - 集体土地所有权制度研究(研究生论文)Geothermal resources are as an important source of energy to support economic development in our country.
参考来源 - 新疆阿拉珊温泉勘探方法及开发利用研究On the basis of them, the economy construction was carried out.
参考来源 - 抗日战争时期鄂西后方国统区经济建设述论The harmonious development of national defense construction and economical construction is one of the significant issues to be dealt with in Chinese modernization program.
参考来源 - 国防建设与经济建设协调发展研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Water is the source of the life, and the lifeblood of agricultural production and the whole national economic construction too.
Slope is the basic data for the agriculture, forestry, hydrologic research and other activities of national economy.
Reflection seismology as a branch of the seismology used in the national economic development has achieved great success.