绝对误差absolute error,准确值x与其测量值x*之差称为近似值x*的绝对误差。在数值计算中,记为e(x*)=x*-x,简记为e*。但一般来说,不能准确知道e (x*)的大小,可以通过测量或计算。|e(x*)|=|x*-x|≤ε(x*)。
其中,绝对误差(Absolute error)是估计值与真实值之差的绝对值,相对误差(Relative error)是绝对误差与真实值的比值。
... absolute valence 绝对价 absolute value error 绝对误差 absolute value 绝对值 ...
平均绝对误差 MAE ; Mean Absolute Deviation ; mean absolute difference
最大绝对误差 maximum absolute error ; MAXE
最小绝对误差 least absolute error ; Minimum Absolute Deviation ; minimum absolute error ; LeastAbsolute Deviation
绝对误差和 Sum of Absolute Differences ; SAD ; sum of absolute error
绝对误差积分 IAE
平均绝对误差百分比 MAPE ; Mean Absolute Percentage Error
参数绝对误差 absolute divergence of parameter ; absolute error of parameter
测量绝对误差 absolute error of measurement
绝对误差极限 absolute limit of error
Time series AR model was developed and prediction was made. Results show that time series AR model is suitable for transformed equipment down time prediction with mean absolute error(MAE) controlled within 2.73%.
参考来源 - 半导体制造企业中“瓶颈”设备的故障预测The result show that the average absolute value of the absolute error between the predicting data and the surveying data is 0.2019, and the average relative error is 7.1%.
参考来源 - 基于非线性主成分分析与神经网络的参数预测模型·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This article introduces an algorithm of interpolation, which is based on the absolute error of pixel in color.
Conclusion the approximate formula of circumferential stress and the absolute error is accepted, which is easy for the application.
The resolution rate of QRS complex was 99.48% both with relative index and absolute error index.