年,他完成美国哈佛商学院行政管理课程,2001 年完成清华大学管理课程。
In 1997, he completed an executive management programme at the Harvard Business School and a management programme at Tsinghua University in 2001.
哈佛商学院的历史学家Richard Tedlow赞其为“美国商业历史上大师级的企业管理者”。
Richard Tedlow, a historian at Harvard Business School, calls him “one of the master managers in the history of American business”.
但是哈佛商学院的经济学家William Kerr利用名字配对软件来分辨从1975年开始获得美国专利的800万科学家他们每一个人的种族。
But William Kerr, an economist at Harvard Business School, used name-matching software to identify the ethnicity of each of the 8m scientists who had acquired an American patent since 1975.