...国 内外多家知名企业合作开发的;携程网是国内第一个吸收美国风险投 资的网站,并且,软银集团(softbank)和美国数据集团(IDG)已经作为 第二轮出资方介入;中国电子商务网(chinaE.net.eom)是由改组后的上 市公司华晨集团开发的,该网还与美国的IBM旅游网...
美国国际数据集团 IDG ; International Data Group ; IDGVC ; International Data Corporation
美国数据系统集团 EDS
公司美国国际数据集团 International Data Corporation ; IDC
选用美国数据通讯集团 DATA-LINE GROUP
Websites such as opensecrets.org publish a torrent of data showing how much American companies, industries and interest groups spend on lobbying and electioneering.
Huberty的摘要合并数据来源于The NPD集团研究公司,研究显示了6个月的(3-8月)美国笔记本电脑销售下降额。
Huberty’s note incorporates data from research firm The NPD Group, which shows six months’ worth of declining U.S. sales for notebooks between March and August.
Having been battered by a year of sour economic news, U.S. markets were little-impressed by the latest unemployment figure, according to Art Cashin of UBS Financial Services.