美国机械工程师协会 (ASME)(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)成立于1880年。现今已成为一家拥有全球超过125,000会员的国际性非盈利教育和技术组织。由于工程领域各学科间交叉性不断增长,ASME出版物也相应提供了跨学科前沿科技的资讯。涵盖的学科内容包括:基础工程、制造、系统设计等方面。
Suggestions for revisions or clarification to this Guide should be directed to the ASME Director, Accreditation and Certification.
Provide boiler safety valves with a capacity at least equal to the recommendations of the boiler manufacturer and of the ASME Section 1 Power Boiler Code.
The vessel is registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, meets requirements of CSD-1 of the ASME Code, and is built to Section IV of the ASME code.