持续疲软的房地产市场略有好转,美国家得宝公司(Home Depot)和沃尔玛连锁超市(Wal - Mart Stores)公布财报收益好于预期,促使投资者买进股票。
A slight improvement in the weak housing market and better-than-expected earnings from Home Depot Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. also gave investors a reason to buy.
其中大多被运往美国,在家得宝(Home Depot Inc .)、沃尔玛连锁公司(Wal - Mart Stores Inc .)等零售商的店铺里作为自营品牌销售。
Most are shipped to the U.S. and sold under private labels by Home Depot Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and other retailers.
Scott Thompson, the president of PayPal, said: "We believe that by 2015 digital currency will be accepted everywhere in the US – from your local corner store to Walmart."