美国邮区编号 (ZIP Code)是美国邮政服务 (United States Postal Service, USPS)使用的一种邮区编号,一般常以大楷写作ZIP。ZIP是Zone Improvement Plan (地区改进计划)的简称,它暗示邮件可以以更有效率及快捷地送到目的地。最基本的ZIP编号包括五个号码,随后增加了四个号码,使邮件可以更精确地传送到目的地。增加号码后的ZIP编号称为"ZIP+4"。ZIP编号曾被美国邮政服务注册成一个商标,但其注册至今已经过期。
For example, a postal code in the United States is a five-digit number, optionally followed by a dash and a four-digit number. Listing 1 shows the regular expression that describes that format.
Web services can perform tasks for your component, such as converting currencies, searching the Internet, or returning a United States zip code.
As an example, Listing 1 is part of the WSDL for a publicly available Web service that returns the current weather for a US postal zip code (see Resources for a link to the full WSDL).