翡翠贻贝是出口品种,其英文名为Mussel。 【科属分类】贝类动物
贻贝种类繁多,其中经济价值高的有: 1、翡翠贻贝(Perna uiridis),贝壳大,壳表呈翠绿色,前半部常呈绿褐色,光滑并具光泽;生长纹细密,绕壳顶环生。
(2)翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis Linnaeus):贝壳较大,长度约为高度的两倍,壳顶喙状,位于贝壳的最前端。腹缘直或略弯。
名称 翡翠贻贝(Mytilus viridis Linnaeus),属瓣鳃纲、异柱目、贻贝族、贻贝科。又名绿贻贝,俗称青匙、青蛤、青螺等。
So Perna viridis can be cultivated with the aim of controlling the eutrophication of the culturing area and gaining the ideal cultivating production.
参考来源 - 翡翠贻贝能量收支及养殖容量的研究After exposed to P. lima,the level of DSP toxins in the gill of Perna viridis increased significantly in a dose-dependent relationship with time,and achieved the highest at the 3rd day.
毒素积累阶段,翡翠贻贝鳃组织中DSP毒素显著增加,于第3 d时达到最高,呈明显的剂量和时间依赖关系。
参考来源 - DSP在贝体中的积累及其对P·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The gill tectology and ultrastructure of Perna viridis were observed using light and electron microscopes.
This indicates that thick shell mussel freeze dried powder and lipid extract have strong chronic anti-inflammatory activity.
毒素积累阶段,翡翠贻贝鳃组织中DSP毒素显著增加,于第3 d时达到最高,呈明显的剂量和时间依赖关系。
After exposed to P. lima, the level of DSP toxins in the gill of Perna viridis increased significantly in a dose-dependent relationship with time, and achieved the highest at the 3rd day.