数字脉宽调制器 DPWM ; digital PWM ; digital pulse width modulator
定时器脉宽调制器 TPM
电流控制型脉宽调制器 Electric current control PWM adjuster
增强型脉宽调制器 EPWM
脉宽调制逆变器 [自] [电子] PWM inverter
脉冲宽度调制器 pulse-with modulator ; TCPWM
脉冲带宽调制定时器 PWM
数字脉冲宽度调制器 DPWM
脉宽调制变换器 pulse width modulated inverter ; PWM-Pulse Width Modulation ; pwm converter
Introducing a circuit scheme of digital high frequency pulse width modulator based on the FPGA. The structure and working principle of the circuit are analyzed in detail.
参考来源 - 基于FPGA像增强器自动门控电源电路设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Pulse Width Modulation device chip is designed by the reverse design method.
由PW M脉宽调制器驱动功率驱动电路,输出电流信号驱动比例电磁铁。
This output transferred thorough PWM driver circuit and changed into current signal to the proportional magnetic valve.
This paper introduces the functions and performances of a PWM component and presents a radar transmitter high voltage power supply using this PWM component.