腐殖质对元素的迁移主要表现为有机胶体对金属离子的表面吸附和离子交换吸附作用,以及腐殖酸对元素的整合作用与络合作用。在腐殖质丰富的环境中.Cu.Pb.Zn.Fe.Mn.T.Ni 等元素可称有机胶体吸附,并随水大量迁移。腐殖质与Fe.Al.Ti.U.V 等重金属形成络入物.较易溶于中性、弱酸性和弱碱性介质中,并以络合物形式迁移在腐殖质缺乏时,它们便形成难溶物而沉淀。
...丁网 酸 的 分 离 天然有机物(NOM)是动植物自然循环代谢过程中形成的中间 产物,其中主要是腐殖质,腐殖质(Humic Substances,HS) 是天然的复杂、异相、多分散的有机大分子的混合物,一般 表现为无定形、棕色或黑色、亲水或憎水性、酸性...
粗腐殖质 [土壤] mor ; [土壤] raw humus ; sour humus ; moor
细腐殖质 [土壤] mull
腐殖质碳酸盐土 humus carbonatic soil ; humic carbonated soil
腐殖质层 humus layer ; [土壤] humus horizon ; mould cover ; h layer humus layer
酸性腐殖质 acid humus ; sour humus
活性腐殖质 active humus ; active e humus
腐殖质潜育土 humic gley soil ; humic gleysol
腐殖质化 humification
腐殖质形成 humus formation ; [地质] humification
8. Humus soil is the best culture substrate for Chinese pine.
参考来源 - 油松无土栽培轻质基质配方的筛选研究Mercury in suspended matter is dominated by mercury bound to humus, because the strong combining ability of humus, this can be reference for mercury pollution harness.3.
参考来源 - 黄河内蒙古段水体中砷汞的形态分布研究Among the four kinds of modified materials, the best one of improving the sandy soil humic substances is wheat straw, followed by maize straw, rice straw and rape straw.5.
参考来源 - 秸秆改良材料对沙质土壤理化性质的影响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The Black Death of 1348 was caused by gradual loss of the humus fertility found under forest trees.
Humus is necessary for rapid decomposition of leaves by bacteria and fungi and for recycling by surface roots.